This page is an example of the Ministries that are a part of the First Baptist Leduc Life.  Be a Missionary in your own community.  Be the Hands and Feet of Jesus, serving other people with “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faithfulness and self control.”.   Gal. 5:22
The Work of White Cross continues in person at the Church! 
Where Can I Serve? Jesus told us to make disciples of all nations. One of the most important values of this church is our mission to the world. It begins in our own community, and spreads overseas to every nation. Church members are involved in a variety of ministries from things as simple as preparing the church bulletins, to visiting the elderly and sick as well as supporting overseas missionaries.  
How Do I Meet People? Our church is not a place for spectators. It is a place for team members. Whether you are a five-year old child, a ninety-five year old grandmother, a busy mom,  a businessman or a busy farmer, we want you to be a part of our vibrant church community. Here is how you can learn, serve, and grow at this church.
Mission Outreach
First Baptist is thrilled to be part of the spread of God’s kingdom around the world. We are active in sending missionaries and supporting these missionaries with our funding and with our prayers. The  missionaries that First Baptist Church support are located in these countries—Cameroon, Japan, Mexico, Brazil, and Asia.  We encourage all of our people to respond to God’s call for laborers, whether it means that they move to a foreign country or live and minister in our own community.  You can find many more ministries and missionaries that our association supports on the NAB website.

NAB Missions.  

New Children’s Sunday School Information Email:
Every Third Sunday we gather after service to have a little time of fellowship, cookies and coffee.  Yes, we know it might spoil our lunch, but we just can’t wait for cookie Sunday!..   Please come to church and get to know us… we know you will like us… and our Cookies!
Prayer Warriors
Prayer cannot be overestimated. Prayer moves the hand of God. Our Church is a body of believers dependent upon prayer, and committed to God’s sovereignty. Throughout the week, volunteers from our Prayer Warriors team pray for their pastor, a list of church members, any special requests, and missionary prayer needs. The third Wednesday evening per month, the church comes together for a special time of prayer.  
and notifications are in our weekly emailed bulletin.
Local Missions
In addition to foreign missions, our church also supports the Alberta Awana chapter and the 
HUB as well as the LDESA
(Leduc & District Emergency Shelter Association).
  It is a legendary FUN time of burgers, pie, candy booth and games.  Along with a great visit with the neighbors and a relaxing afternoon.  Sometimes even lasting until the Fire and hot dog roast in the evening.  Always a great time.

Each shoebox is an opportunity to show God’s love to a child — so pack one today! BOXES AT THE CHURCH.  OR PACK ONLINE.  Pack the box online yourself of let someone do it for you.

 May God Bless those children who receive a box in the name of Jesus Christ.
National Collection week is  mid Nov.
Look online or visit a participating church to get a free box.  We fill them every year if you want to drop by and get a box.
Media & Technology  Our song lyrics for worship appear on the big screen for your ease and pleasure while we sing hymns.
Women’s Ministry
Our multiple generations of Lady’s ministries have been serving faithfully for over 100 years.  Holiday Meals, Picnics, Christmas Pageants, White Cross work days and Baby and Wedding showers are just a sampling of the dedication to our fellowship and the community.  Jesus came to serve and we strive to be a reflection of Him.  These groups provide a refreshing discipleship opportunity for the women in the church.
White Cross:
be a part of a work day and be a missionary in your own community, reaching people in need half the world away.  Roll bandages, cut squares, sew a baby blanket or outfit and faithful volunteers box them up and send them to hospitals in Cameroon and Nigeria.  Come join with our volunteers in a ministry that has more impact than we know.
White Cross Work Days usually happen after the morning service.  A lunch will be offered and we will have our “Roll-A-Rama!”  Watch for Dates here and Come Join Us!
Men’s Ministry
The Men get together for a special Men’s breakfast the third Saturday of each month to uphold each other in prayer, fellowship and encouragement.  The men also reach out to the community with handyman projects and helping where needed.
  Men’s bible studies are available as well as community projects.  The men have participated in community events such as Rodeo, Concert in the Country, and Garage Building project.